The European Universities Football Championship will take place in Camerino from July 27th to August 13rd. Organized by the University Sports Center of Camerino, we are sure you will have a great time and experience our culture and traditions.
Here are some useful information during your stay here in Camerino:
- Language: The official language is Italian, but many people speak English, especially in tourist areas.
- Time Zone: Camerino is in Central European Time (CET), UTC +1. During the event, Italy will be on Daylight Saving Time (CEST), UTC +2.
- Currency & Exchange Rates: The currency used is the Euro (€). Exchange rates may vary, so it’s best to check in advance.
- Average Temperature & Expected Weather: Expected warm summer temperatures, typically ranging between 30°C and 35°C.
- Phone Code (International Calls): The international dialing code for Italy is +39.
- Exit Code (International Calls): To call abroad from Italy, dial 00 followed by the country code and number.
- Emergency & Police Numbers: In case of emergency, dial 112 for police, 118 for medical, or 115 for fire emergencies.
Camerino is situated at 661 meters above sea level between the vallies of the river Chienti and Potenza, in the heart of the Marche Region.
Of pre-roman origin, the town played an important political and ecclesiastical role through the centuries reaching a notable level of economic and civil development. The wealth of monuments and the liveliness of university life turn Camerino into an important center of culture and art.
Thanks to its geographical position, Camerino has excellent climate conditions with cold winters and warm dry summers. It borders the National Park of the Sibylline Mountains and is near to other places of great environmental and naturalistic interest, such as the Natural Reserve of Torricchio of the University of Camerino, the Regional Park of Colfiorito and the Frasassi Caves. When staying in Camerino, you are in contact with nature all year long: it is next to the ski slopes of the Sibylline mountains (Mount Vettore 2476 mt.) and, at the same time, only at 45 minutes from the beaches of the Adriatic sea.
If today the University of Camerino is one of the most interesting and innovative Italian institutions, it is, without doubt, the merit of the strength and momentum attributed to it by its rich history.
For almost 700 years, Camerino and its university have been expressing a single essence, capable of evolving and facing the challenges of time, always remaining faithful to itself, to its values, to its long tradition.
Therefore, UNICAM has its roots in the past, but continues to grow and improve looking forward.
Unfortunately there are no precise documents concerning the birth of the advanced studies in Camerino, because the city, and obviously most of the precious existing archives, was destroyed in the 1259 by the crews of Manfredi.
The great literate and jurist Cino from Pistoia, living in Marche in the years 1319 -21, in his works remembers a territory blooming with juridical schools.
Camerino was then the capital of a large territory, its only rival for dominion being Fermo.
From the '200 the courses of Civil Law, Canon Law, Medicine and Literature were active, and the University of Camerino was the first one in the region being nominated General Study.
On 20th September 1336 the apostolic herald “Bertrando di Déaulx” granted to Camerino the possibility to name captains of the limbs, councilmen and notaries of curia.
On 29th January 1377, Pope Gregory XI accepted the request of Gentile Da Varano, Lord of Camerino, and issued a Bull in which he granted the city the right to have a general university. In particular, he authorized the interpretation and teaching of Civil and Canon Law and gave permission to award Doctorate and Bachelor degrees.
The 1424 and 1560 Statutes of Camerino proposed a series of new laws for the university, but the new era of the University of Camerino began on 15th July 1727 with the Bull “Liberalium Disciplinarum”. Thanks to this Bull, Pope Benedetto XII refounded the Universitas Studii Generalis with the schools of theology, law, medicine and mathematics. A few years later, precisely on 13th April 1753, the emperor Francis I of Hapsburg-Lorraine extended the validity of the degrees to all the territory of the Holy Roman Empire and gave to the Rector the title of Palatine Earl.
After the period of the Napoleonic dominion, during which the University risked to disappear, Pope Pio VII granted a temporary restoration with a document wrote on 30th September 1816. The last consecration of the Athenaeum was decreed on 28th August 1824 by Pope Leone XII with the Bull “Divine Quod Sapientia”.
The University of Camerino included a Theological Faculty, a Jurisprudence Faculty, a Philosophical Mathematics Faculty and a Medicine and Surgery Faculty; in this last one there was the teaching of Chemistry and a specific course in Pharmacy. In 1870, with the Unification of Italy, Camerino was recognized as a Free University.It mantained this status until 1958 when it became a State university.
Thanks to its strong scientific and cultural tradition, today the University of Camerino has 5 university schools: Architecture and Design, Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, Law, Pharmacy and Science andTechnology.
University of Camerino (Website)
In January 1950 Mr. Arnaldo Bischi, that was a student of the University of Chemistry in Camerino, partecipated in Rome to a meeting of the UNURI (Italian National Union of University Representatives).
In that occasion Mr. Bischi met some collegues of other Italian universities that had already opened University Sports Centers associated to CUSI; when he came back to Camerino he had 50.000 Lire in his pocket that had been given to him from the President of CUSI Mr. Alberto Pettinella and clearer ideas on the sport organization.
In the following days Mr. Arnaldo Bischi spoke about this idea with some of his friends and collegues among which there was his best friend Mr. Carlo Alberto Nittoli, student of the Veterinary Science University of Camerino, who in the following years will obtain not only the degree in Veterinary Science but also in Medicine and Surgery, in Biological Science, in Natural Science and a degree in ISEF.
After those 50,000 lire and his talk with his friends, in February 1950 CUS Camerino was founded and Mr. Arnaldo Bischi was the first President.
The potential of the structures of CUS Camerino have developed so much that it represents one of the most important sport centres of the Marche Region.
During the years many facilities have been accomplished in the area called “Le Calvie”.
The main facilities are:
- Swimming-pool
- Municipal Palasport
- Palasport “A. Orsini”
- Palasport “Drago & Gentili”
- PalaTennis
- Grass football field
- Synthetic grass football field
- Universitary Stadium “Livio Luzi” with the new athletic track
The Sport Center “Le Calvie” has:
- N° 1 red ground tennis court
- N° 1 synthetic tennis court
- 8-player football field
- Bike tracks
- Cross country tracks
- Indoor and outdoor padel courts
- Outdoor gym and calisthenics area
- Indoor gym
- Basket, volley and futsal courts
- Beach volley court
- Indoor and outdoor fitness areas
- Indoor sport climbing wall